
Monday 4 November 2013

Beautiful color inspiration from Design Seeds

I've been busy and bogged down with so much work, I've barely had anytime for this blog.
Put 2 kids in the equation, and it's like this place is at the bottom of my list... which brings me to this: how do people manage a full time job and writing a blog on a regular basis effectively?
I suppose it's all in the planning - and making a commitment to post. But honestly, it's so difficult when so many other things are higher priority.

I would love to get to a point one day when I could just blog and do design work for a living. Ah, that's my dream and I'm sure many also share that same vision.  I'm by no means an interior designer, but I just love decorating, reading design magazines and watching all those reno/decorating shows when time permits. It would be my dream to turn my hobby into something more - but I don't know how to. Actually, I do know what I need to do, but I haven't been able to follow through with my plan. I feel like I have all this knowledge and business skills, but I just don't have the time!

I work full time in a demanding high tech environment and have a pretty good thing going on. In fact, it would be very hard for me to walk away and I would only do it if it were to start my own thing. I love what I do, but I also long to break out on my own and be my own boss... This blog is supposed to act as a stepping stone for me to share my design aspirations and design boards, and connect with fellow bloggers, expand my network, and hopefully help make my dream a reality.  I feel like I'm failing miserably right now with the "connect" part.  The funny thing is that one of the main things holding me back is that I have an issue with sharing my identity. First off, I have a very unique name (trust me on this one!) and I don't want to be known... because well, it might ialso nterfere with my current job. Isn't that silly?  How am I supposed to connect without being transparent about who I am? Have you noticed I haven't included my name anywhere - that's exactly because of this fear of being know and identity theft and all. I might be nuts, but when you have a name as unique as mine, it becomes a bigger deal for me. Will I ever overcome this? Yes, in time I'm sure I'll have to accept this as a reality. Our world is so virtual now that it's almost impossible to remain private - which comes with some good and bad.

Anyway, I would love to hear from those of you who also work full time and have a blog. How do you manage? do you have any pointers to share?

Of course, after rambling on above, I couldn't possibly leave you without something visual, so here's what's I really wanted to share with you today. These beautiful color palettes from Design Seeds,  Autumn Chill & Color Breeze have captured my heart. Such liveable, soft and muted colors! I absolutely love. Now how to incoporate into my home...perhaps my master bedroom? :)


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